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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Karaoke Revolution Presents : American Idol

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Game Name : Karaoke Revolution Presents : American Idol
System : Playstation 2
Date Added : 2006-12-04 02:32:13
Views : 26721

Alternate appearance
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Ball GownEarn 3,000,000 total points.
Bathrobe (female)Earn 2,000,000 total points.
Butterfly (female)Earn 10 Diamond Records for 10 songs.
Cat SuitEarn 3,500,000 total points.
Cheerleader (female)Earn 30 Diamond Records for 30 songs.
Cool Male Hat PackEarn 13 Platinum Records for 13 songs.
Cool Male TopsEarn 19 Platinum Records for 19 songs.
Corset GownEarn 21 Platinum Records for 21 songs.
Devil GirlEarn 35 Platinum Records for 35 songs.
Female Hair PackEarn 12 Platinum Records for 12 songs.
Female Shoe PackEarn 17 Platinum Records for 17 songs.
Funky Female Bottoms Pack #1Earn 2 Platinum Records for 3 songs.
Funky Female Bottoms Pack #2Earn 18 Platinum Records for 18 songs.
Funky Female Hat PackEarn 4 Platinum Records for 4 songs.
Funky Female Tops Pack #1Earn 2 Platinum Records for 2 songs.
Funky Female Tops Pack #2Earn 18 Platinum Records for 18 songs.
Funky Female Wrist PackEarn 7 Platinum Records for 7 songs.
Goth DressEarn 29 Platinum Records for 29 songs.
Handlebar MustacheEarn 33 Platinum Records for 33 songs.
Jersey (male)Earn 15 Platinum Records for 15 songs.
Konami and American Idol T-shirtsEarn all 40 Diamond Records for all songs.
Liberty Boy (male)Complete the full "American Idol" mode.
Mad Eyewear PackEarn 14 Platinum Records for 14 songs.
Mad Hat PackEarn 34 Platinum Records for 34 songs.
Male Bottoms Pack #1Earn 8 Platinum Records for 8 songs.
Male Bottoms Pack #2Earn 19 Platinum Records for 19 songs.
Male Hair PackEarn 11 Platinum Records for 11 songs.
Male Shoe PackEarn 22 Platinum Records for 22 songs.
Male Tops PackEarn 8 Platinum Records for 8 songs.
Male Wrist PackEarn 13 Platinum Records for 13 songs.
Out of this World SpacesuitEarn 14 Platinum Records for 14 songs.
Renaissance Outfit (male)Earn 20 Platinum Records for 20 songs.
Retro CowgirlEarn 31 Platinum Records for 31 songs.
Rodeo DudeEarn 30 Platinum Records for 30 songs.
Shark CostumeEarn 3 Platinum Records for 3 songs.
Show GirlEarn 16 Platinum Records for 16 songs.
Silk Chinese DressEarn 38 Platinum Records for 38 songs.
Space GirlEarn 25 Platinum Records for 25 songs.
Sweaty T (male)Complete the medium "American Idol" mode.
Swim TrunksEarn 37 Platinum Records for 37 songs.
Velvet Supreme (male)Earn 28 Platinum Records for 28 songs.
Viking (female)Earn 4,000,000 total points.
Wasp (male)Complete the short "American Idol" mode.
Western Clothing PackEarn 32 Platinum Records for 32 songs.
Western CowboyEarn 26 Platinum Records for 26 songs.
Western Cowgirl (for female)Earn 27 Platinum Records for 27 songs.

Bonus songs
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding song.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Flying Without WingsGet 500,000 total points.
Piano ManGet 4 Platinum Records for 4 songs.
Straight UpGet 6 Platinum Records for 6 songs.
The Real ThingGet 1,500,000 total points.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item in the trophy room.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
American Idol BronzeComplete the short "American Idol" mode.
American Idol GoldComplete the full "American Idol" mode.
American Idol SilverComplete the medium "American Idol" mode.
Best New DuoEarn a Platinum Record for a single two player Duet song.
Diamond MicEarn 40 Diamond Records for all songs.
Diamond Miner TrophyEarn a Diamond Record for a song.
Gold MasterEarn 40 Gold Records for all songs.
Karaoke MillionaireEarn 1,000,000 total points.
Karaoke World TourComplete all 40 songs.
Platinum Debut TrophyEarn a Platinum Record for a song.
Wall to Wall PlatinumEarn 40 Platinum Records for all songs.

Bonus characters
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
BrandonGet 36 Platinum Records for 36 songs.
CarolineGet 17 Platinum Records for 17 songs.
DesmondGet 32 Platinum Records for 32 songs.
EnriqueGet 4,500,000 total points.
FR-3QGet 24 Platinum Records for 24 songs.
GraceGet 2 Platinum Records for 2 songs.
IsisGet 39 Platinum Records for 39 songs.
JulieGet 18 Platinum Records for 18 songs.
JuniorGet 2,500,000 total points.
KieraGet 12 Platinum Records for 12 songs.
LoganGet 13 Platinum Records for 13 songs.
MummyGet 40 Platinum Records for 40 songs.
MyaGet 14 Platinum Records for 14 songs.
NathanGet 10 Platinum Records for 10 songs.
OwenGet 22 Platinum Records for 22 songs.
QuentinGet 8 Platinum Records for 8 songs.
WendyGet 20 Platinum Records for 20 songs.
WesleyGet 11 Platinum Records for 11 songs.

Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding video.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
All My LifeEarn a Platinum Record for the song "All My Life".
AloneEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Alone".
Be Without YouEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Be Without You".
Build Me Up ButtercupEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Build Me Up Buttercup".
Can't Help Falling In LoveEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Can't Help Falling In Love".
Crazy Little Thing Called LoveEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Crazy Little Thing Called Love".
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On MeEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me".
EasyEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Easy".
Flying Without WingsEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Flying Without Wings".
HeartbreakerEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Heartbreaker".
If You Don't Know Me By NowEarn a Platinum Record for the song "If You Don't Know Me By Now".
Just The Way You AreEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Just The Way You Are".
Love Will Keep Us TogetherEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Love Will Keep Us Together".
Proud Mary AuditionEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Proud Mary".
Randy and Simon Can't Stop LaughingEarn 9 Platinum Records for 9 songs.
She Bangs AuditionEarn a Platinum Record for the song "She Bangs".
Stand By MeEarn a Platinum Record for the song "Stand By Me".
Statue of LibertyComplete the full "American Idol" mode.
Sweaty GuyComplete the medium "American Idol" mode.
The WaspComplete the short "American Idol" mode.
Welcome To Hollywood!Pass the audition in "American Idol" mode.

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